Pimpin’ ain’t easy

<a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=59>Part 2</a> of Squidfest is referring to kruton “pimping out” his computer to everyone there. Anyone who didn’t already have Battlefield 1942 could get it off his machine. I have to say the program he uses to mount CD images works really well. To keep things legal we all made sure we deleted the game when we were done. This week I’ve been making updates to the site and working on building my secondary computer. I know we’ve mentioned it a lot already but I’m looking forward to CinciClassic and still have some preparations to uh… prepare. Continue reading "Pimpin’ ain’t easy"

Squidfest – Part 1

<a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=58>Today’s comic</a> is part 1 of our Squidfest report. Overall the event was a lot of fun and there was a good turn out. Kruton may have a better count, but I thought there was 30-40 people. We got to meet the guys who do the popular webcomic MacHall. Don’t expect them to link to us anytime soon. They acted like they were a little “too cool” for us and probably won’t even look at this site. Most of the evening the attendees were playing one of two games: Battlefield 1942 and Unreal Tournament. Since my laptop wouldn’t run Battlefield I was in the latter group. Although I did get to play Battlefield a couple times on kruton’s computer. There was more stuff that happened but I got to save something for the rest of the week. To be continued… Continue reading "Squidfest – Part 1"