Link: The College Years – The Walk of Shame

I’m sure Link is a <a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=112>player.</a> I decided to devote this weeks’ comics to the great franchise known as Zelda. The Wind Waker is still a month away but more important than that is the bonus disk that I’ll get next week. If you preorder The Wind Waker you get a bonus disk that has The Ocarina of Time and a Zelda game that was only released in Japan. My weekend consisted of exploring my new surroundings. Which means I just drove around looking for video game stores. I found one near my apt that I think is locally owned. They have good prices on used games. I picked up Paper Mario for the N64, $16. This game is sweet! I’ll have a full review up soon. I also located a nearby DDR Extreme machine. It is in a really good location, there is a water fountain nearby and lots of open area. Oh yeah, one more thing. Kruton is <a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Game_Ratings&file=index&action=newestreviews>weird.</a> Continue reading "Link: The College Years – The Walk of Shame"

Beware the Penguins

<a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=103>Today’s comic</a> is not open source… yet. DVD Review: Insomnia (R) I wanted to see this movie because it was directed by Christopher Nolan, who also directed Memento (one of my favorite films ever). Insomnia is the story of an L.A. detective, played by Al Pacino, who goes to Alaska to investigate a murder. The sun is always up and he doesn’t get any sleep for days. This wasn’t the typical crime drama I was expecting. There were a couple of twists and turns that kept it interesting. It wasn’t as fast paced and psychological as Memento but it was still an ok movie. The special features inlcude a couple behind the scenes documentaries and a director’s commentary. On my DVD scale of Buy it, Rent it, Avoid it, I’d say if you are a Memento fan or really like crime dramas rent it, otherwise you might want to avoid it because there are a lot of better movies out there. Afterthoughts: I posted my review of <a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Game_Ratings&file=index&action=game&gameid=8719>Beach Spikers</a> today but then I made another observation. When playing World Mode, in the middle of each match you get a couple of chances to give feedback to your partner. You can choose praise, encourage, reprimand, or nothing. This will increase or decrease your teamwork rating. However, sometimes praise or encouragment just pisses off your partner and decreases your rating. At first I thought that was strange but then I realized the characters are women. Sega has somehow perfectly simulated the female mind! It doesn’t matter what you say because in the end their response is going to be completely random. Sega scores one point for realism. Continue reading "Beware the Penguins"

Good thing his pants stayed on

The idea for <a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=79>today’s comic</a> came from <a href=user.php?op=userinfo&uname=CowboySpike1624>CowboySpike1624.</a> Remember, you can send your own comics or comic ideas to <a href=mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]</a>. I take the good ideas and turn them into comics. The bad ideas I send to ABC so that they can turn them into crappy sitcoms. Continue reading "Good thing his pants stayed on"

A Wavebird is neither a wave nor a bird… discuss

After <a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=55>today’s comic</a> kruton was able to talk me into getting a Wavebird controller for Gamecube. At first I was like “big deal, a wireless controller is nothing new.” I’m not so much impressed with the range or the fact that it works through walls. After all, it’s not like my couch is 20 feet away, and I don’t have a wall between me and the TV requiring me to use my x-ray vision. What’s so nice about a wireless controller though is that I can leave the controller on the couch, chair or wherever and there are no cords going through my living room. The other selling point is that it’s only $10 more than a standard controller, whose cord is so short I practically have to have the Gamecube on my lap. Nintendo obviously made the cords short to sell more Wavebird’s. This weekend my Grandparents had an auction since they are moving. I finally got a dining room table and chairs. No more card table for me. I also got a portable B/W TV which is going to become my video game mobile monitor. Kruton got a TV which we used to play Eternal Darkness. I wasn’t impressed with the game. In 2 weeks BiTSMACK is going to have a table at CinciClassic. Goz and I are talking about maybe giving away a prize or something. I urge any gamers in the Cincinnati area to stop by. I’ll post more details such as time and location later. Stay tuned. Continue reading "A Wavebird is neither a wave nor a bird… discuss"


Awhile back I was having problems with a new motherboard I bought so I sent it back. Well I got the motherboard back and after a few problems I finally have my new machine up and running. 700 MHz is a large improvement over my 4 year old PII 333. Right now I am downloading the new UT2003 demo to put my new machine to the test. <a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=54>Today’s comic</a> is referring to this new card reader attachment for the Game Boy Advance. Apparently you can buy NES and Game & Watch games on cards that you swipe through. It sounds pretty cool. Even though I don’t have a GBA yet, if they release a lot more of these games on cards I might be tempted to get one. Continue reading "e-Reader"

Stays crunchy in milk!

<a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=53>Today’s comic</a> is part of a complete breakfast. Not much has been going this week except for me playing Super Monkey Ball until the cows come home. Then I go outside and say “Hey cows! Get out of my yard.” After that I realize I don’t have a yard because I live in an apartment. Beginner and Advanced difficulty are so easy I practically had them beat just by turning on the Gamecube. Playing the game on Expert though is like paying someone to kick you in the crotch repeatedly. However, it’s all worth it when you get through a hard level on your millionth try. This isn’t my official review though, just my first impressions. Continue reading "Stays crunchy in milk!"

You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany

The Jaguar release at Easton was not at all what I expected. When kruton, Goz and I got there at 9:15 there were about 20 people waiting. I didn’t think there would be many more people than that so we went to GameWorks for a couple rounds of DDR. When we got back at 10 there were already a couple hundred people in line. All in all the event was pretty lame as we stood in line with a bunch of freaks just to get inside a store I’ve been to dozens of times before. Saturday night kruton, the youth group and I went back to Columbus for a Christian rock concert. Squad 50, Thousand Foot Krutch and Reliant K are all pretty cool bands, and if you haven’t heard them, check them out. Kruton moved back to the dorm Sunday as you can see by this <a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=44>comic.</a> I gave XBOX Live another try and it looks like they worked out the network problems because I was in a race within a minute of turning on the XBOX. I also had no trouble at all finding people to play with. Continue reading "You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany"