Tag: guestcomic
Another attempt at a Comic
Inspired by actual events. The shirts were changed to protect the innocent. No clowns were harmed during the making of this comic, only bats.

Twitter Theater – TheRaja
I decided to try something new, where I asked my friends on Twitter for comic ideas and tried to interpret them as best I can. I call it Twitter Theater. Our first entry comes from TheRaja using the suggestion “Man finds magic dildo… doesn’t like magic after.” If you have comic suggestions my Twitter username is chill182.

Guest Comic – The Raj
Ok, The Raj is now <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=459>better at comics</a> than I am.
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Guest Comic – Heather
We’ve got a <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=457>bonus comic</a> this week from <a href=http://rantswithpants.8m.com/>Heather. That it what my room looks like, except for the bucket, that’s gross. The coolers are a good idea though.
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Guest Comic – The Raj
<a href=http://www.geocities.com/rogerdevo/>The Raj sent in this <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=453>guest comic.</a> I don’t think I could sum up my opinion of the PSP any better.
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Can something be too awesome?
<a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=401>No, this comic is not too awesome</a>, but can something be too awesome? As some of the best insights are found as you’re leaving a theater, today’s comic does pose a good question. How come they haven’t done a live action Transformers or Robotech movie?
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Morning Commute
So I guess Goz is too cool to put a news post with his <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=393>comic.</a>
The regular comic is going through some changes. No not puberty. Stay tuned.
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Guest Comic – Craig Maloney
When the guest comic gauntlet was thrown down, Craig Maloney <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=388>accepted the challenge.</a>
Still moving. Still busy. No time for complete sentences.
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Guest Comic – Brian
Brian from Findlay hooked us up with a <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=387>guest comic.</a>
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