I still have not made up my mind about <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=355>Karaoke Revolution.</a> I’m sure I’ll probably like it once I play it. There really isn’t a lot going on for me to blog about. My birthday is coming up at the end of the month. Traditionally my birthday has always sucked. Since it is right after Thanksgiving I can never get an adequate party thrown together. This year I plan on going to <a href=http://www.midohiocon.com>Mid Ohio Con</a> but after that, who knows. Continue reading "QE/SG"

Ebay-Man: Two Scoops of Evil – Part 5

Here you go. This <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=272>comic</a> should releave you of that Tuesday aftertaste. I highly recommend TV. If you don’t have one you should really look into it. Lately, I’ve been watching Trigun and Cowboy Bebop on Cartoon Network. If you are new to anime check these out. This Sunday, Family Guy is coming to Cartoon Network as well. If you get the chance, Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and The Brak Show are good shows if you like weird cartoons that will actually make you laugh. Here’s a couple of site updates. First of all there is a new link to <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=FAQ&file=index>Ask Bitsmack.</a> You can ask about anything, video games, movies, the art of seduction. We are pretty much experts at anything. The second point of business is that I have dethroned K-Dog from the <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Game_Ratings&file=index&action=topmembers>Top Members</a> list. Granted he is in Florida right now, but that is no excuse. What I need from you the users are some ideas to make Bitsmack better. How can I set this site apart from the rest and provide incentives to post reviews? Keep in mind this site brings in no money, so the incentives would have to be non-monatary. I’m open to ideas to make this website keep growing. Click Comments to post your thoughts. Oh yeah, one more thing. For the “Ask Bitsmack” I’ll be answering one question a week, starting next Wednesday. Continue reading "Ebay-Man: Two Scoops of Evil – Part 5"

Ebay-Man: Two Scoops of Evil – Part 3

Hello, would you like to change your long distance carrier to <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=270>this comic?</a> Tales of Interest! I finally decide to get lamps for my computer room and bedroom. When I plug in the bedroom lamp the circuit blows for half the apartment. No power in the bathroom, bedroom or living room. Then I notice I don’t have a flashlight. I have no way of seeing the circuit box in the bathroom closet. Just before I start to panic I see the Game Boy Advance. Using its backlight I am able to see the circuit box and flip the switch to regain power. I owe it all to the GBA! Continue reading "Ebay-Man: Two Scoops of Evil – Part 3"

Gerkin’s Revenge – Part 5

The stunts in <a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=72>today’s comic</a> were performed by cartoon characters. Please try this at home. So Friday night we went and saw Jackass the movie. Basically it was just like the TV show except with more gross stuff that they couldn’t show on TV. What does it say about the movie industry when a guy shooting bottle rockets out his butt is the funniest movie I’ve seen this year? 4 out of 5 stars. Saturday I got to see The Ring. It was somewhat interesting but not scary at all. It was boring enough that I wouldn’t want to sit through it again. 2 out of 5 stars. Friday I also got an email from RedOctane saying my Drummania Drum Set should be here in 2-4 weeks. The countdown is on! 26 days remaining. Continue reading "Gerkin’s Revenge – Part 5"

Gerkin’s Revenge – Part 3

Uh yeah, I forgot to post today. Here is a <a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=69>comic.</a> My 3D controller for the Saturn came today. I tried playing Nights but have yet to figure out that game. I have decided as of today I am not buying any more games or gaming accessories for the rest of 2002. Except for DDRMAX, I have to get that game, but after that.. nothing. I am also putting up some of the games I never play on ebay in a new feature I like to call: “RC’s Ebay Item of the Week.” The first item is going up later tonight. Stay Tuned for further details. Ok I’ve got my first game up on ebay. You can see it in the “item of the week” section on the left side. Continue reading "Gerkin’s Revenge – Part 3"