Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings’ end
You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay <a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=109>here.</a>
Thursday I went to Columbus and found a really cool apartment. When I first walked in to look at it I thought “whoa this dude’s got a great apartment, oh wait, I’m going to live here!” If my application goes through as it should I’ll be moving in this weekend.
I’m going to miss some things about Findlay: a group of friends I will refer to as “the George House crew”, Keaton’s lounge parties, the Defiance DDR gang and playing 5th mix at the mall. That isn’t to say I won’t see these people again, I’ll still try to make it to the tournaments and other events. In Columbus I hope to infiltrate the DevryGuyz lair just so I can see what I would look like as an 8 bit character.
Does this mean the end of the Bitsmackers? No. I mostly talk to K-Dog on instant messenger and only see him on weekends anyway. I’m sure we’ll find ways to have our wacky adventures. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to get back to packing. If you’re wondering why it’s taken me so long to pack it’s because I’m lazy, or possibly because of aliens… but mostly the laziness thing.