Tag: brad
Ok I guess it breaks the RSS feed when I put it on the front page.
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A New Direction
I have been using Flash for almost two years now and even though it was painful at first, I love the program now. I have started playing around with the animation features and I’m working on a short little cartoon. All of the sound and music editing is being done in Garageband. I’ll still do the comic from time to time like I am doing now. I like taking on new projects. I figure if I can’t be good at one thing, at least suck at many different things.
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Great Ideas
I should start <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=468>patenting this stuff.</a>
I got a new laptop from Dell over the weekend. Using a <a href=http://www.slickdeals.net>Slick Deals</a> coupon I got a really good deal on it. Here are the specs for you nerds: 1.6GHz Pentium M, 1GB RAM, 15” widescreen, 60GB hard drive, 128MB ATI video card, CDRW/DVD drive. I thought it would be a good secondary machine but then after I installed Warcraft on it, it is going to be my main gaming machine. Warcraft looks so good on it I feel like I am playing a completely different game. Now the only thing that’s next is getting a wireless keyboard a mouse for it so it is more comfortable playing games.
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Another Day, Another End of an Era
Well, Brad moved out over the weekend.
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All Apologies
I bet you thought I wasn’t doing a comic this week. Well <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=466>take that</a> readers’ beliefs!
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The Champ
This <a href=https://www.bitsmack.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=465>almost happened.</a>
Coolest New Game at Gameworks: Ballistics
Ballistics is your typical futuristic racing game like Stun Runner or Wipeout. The difference is you actually lay down and the screen is above you. In the game you pick up boosts like in Hydro Thunder but when you use the boosts your seat shakes violently and the game moves really fast. It was one of the coolest experiences I have had at an arcade game.
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