I Dream of MIDI
<a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=121>Today’s comic</a> sums up how I spent yesterday.
Once I found out how to download MIDI files to my cell phone I went nuts. I found some cool sites that have video game MIDI files. The first is <a href=http://www.vgmusic.com/>VGMusic.com. This site has the largest database of MIDI files I could find. Another cool site is <a href=http://www.geocities.com/phantomhaunter/dancedancerevolution.html>the DDR MIDI Palace.</a> They have a lot of DDR songs in MIDI format. If anyone else has a cell phone that says it plays polyphonic ringers let me know and I can tell you how to download them to your cellphone. Even if you have an older cell phone you may be able to input your own video game theme songs. Do a search on Google for RTTTL and you should be able to find songs and instructions on how to get them on your phone.
I also picked up a couple interesting games this week. I happened to be at Target getting some stuff for the apartment when of course I had to check out their game selection. While I was expecting the same games you’d find at a WalMart or Meijer I was surprised that they had lower prices. I got Timesplitters 2 for $30. I’d been waiting since before Christmas for this game to drop. It was well worth the wait. When you play the first level it’s like playing some glorious updated version of Goldeneye. It’s not just a FPS, it’s more like Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell from a first person view. Many missions require you to use stealth instead of just shooting everything.
If you haven’t noticed, there seem to be this new crop of PS1 games showing up everywhere. They’re usually about $10 and have generic names like “Racing” or “Billiards.” I found one called “Superstar Dance Club.” I thought, “could it be, someone made an affordable clone to DDR?” Not exactly. The game is more like Parappa where you have to hit the right button as the cursor goes from left to right to the beat of the music. It is mildly entertaining and I could always try it out with the dance pad to see what that’s like.