The Game

The <a href=>similarities are astounding.</a> After the problem with WoW Tuesday I must not have got logged out the server properly because it wouldn’t let me log back in with that character. So I started playing my Undead Mage on Skullcrusher. It was a nice change of pace and playing the Horde side I get to do quests I haven’t done before. Also did anyone see Lost last night? Wow that show just keeps getting better. Update: Maybe I should specify that for me to get a Mac Mini you have to follow the link, sign up and then complete one of the offers listed. Just signing up doesn’t count. I hope this clears up any confusion. I also took down the iPod Shuffle link. I’m not greedy, if I got a Mac Mini that would be awesome enough. Continue reading "The Game"

Star Trek 10: So Very Tired

WARNING: <a href=modules.php?op=modload&name=Comics&file=index&action=comic&id=92>Today’s comic</a> contains spoilers for Star Trek Nemesis. You have been warned. So yeah, we went and saw the movie. It was ok. There weren’t really any surprises and nothing we haven’t seen before in Star Trek episodes. The special effects were impressive. And luckily no one ever “went to manual” (see Star Trek Insurrection). If I were to rank my favorite Star Trek movies it would be as follows:
  1. II The Wrath of Khan
  2. IV The Voyage Home
  3. VI The Undiscovered Country
  4. First Contact
  5. Nemesis
  6. Generations
  7. III The Search for Spock (only because the Enterprise gets blown up)
  8. and the restYou are free to argue with my rankings. Until next time, live long and prosper. Continue reading "Star Trek 10: So Very Tired"