BSPC-050707 – Now Conker’s Free!

Here is the <a href=>latest episode.</a> ==Opening Banter== do’s and don’ts for girls ===Bitsmack Mailbag=== Rogg’s Origins podcast iTunes automatically downloads podcasts ==News== <a href=>Man charged with stealing Wi-Fi signal</a> <a href=>Steve Jobs calls family of stabbing victim</a> ==Rants== <a href=>The new director of X3 Brett Ratner (Rush Hour) decides to make up his own new mutant that can seduce people</a> Plastic packaging ==Commentary== Would you pay a subscription fee to get all the songs on itunes? Podcast Alley voting = pointless? ==Reviews== Goz: War of the Worlds: 3.5 out of 6.5 stars RC: Bewitched: 4 out of 7.8 stars